Friday, August 8, 2014

Just Right

Actually, these are awesome. I saw the doctor Wednesday and everything is healing nicely and evenly. 

These 2 made sure I rested.

finished this while resting:

That was a fun project! First time adding beads while knitting.

I have a little pain on my left thigh from the fat grafting/harvesting. Nowhere else. It's more comfortable when I'm moving than sitting, so the best medicine is moving around! I have a lot less bruising than last time.

I also have a small clot on my wrist from the IV but baby aspirin and hot compresses over the last few days has helped a lot.

I am cleared to ramp back up to full speed, go hiking, sleep in any position. 

So today I hit the trail with Meg.

And we took it slow, all the way 

Up to the overlook. Because I missed this view:

For those keeping track: now at 300 each side, and he put 60 ccs of high quality fat in also. Let's just say I definitely fill the bras better than I did last January before all this started! And as long as everything continues to heal, I think I'm DONE!

So now I have the shirt!

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