Wednesday, February 26, 2014

So Far All Clear!

Today I had another checkup with the plastic surgeon who said everything looks good!

So they added another 60cc (for those keeping track, now at 300 L/260 R).

I had a first visit with the physical therapist today also, so I was nice and loose when I went to the plastic surgeon. I have exercises to do at home and a few more visits scheduled. We already had the 6" foam roller at home from one of David's past surgeries, and I found it (miracle - it hadn't been in the basement).

I have a little hunting to do to find the handweights that were in the basement. I know just where they were, but have no idea where they are now. Hmm.

I also had a little reaction on Friday that was a surprise. I looked fine going into the shower, took a nice long hot shower, and came out . . .spotted, particularly in the areas that got the most of the water (back, backside, back of arms, etc). It didn't itch and seemed to improve on its own, so I wasn't too concerned (hot water clearly being the trigger). Quick trip to the dermatologist this week, who thinks is was a delayed reaction to the original antibiotic. Apparently, Ceflex sensitivity can stay in the body for weeks or months and reappear randomly. Her advice: no more hot showers. She added that with or without this reaction, her advice is no more hot showers (dries out your skin, ladies).

We're all going to assume that's what it was, but in the meantime, I'm going to keep saying So Far So Good when you ask.

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