Monday, February 24, 2014

Made it Through the Weekend

So far, so good, YAY!

Next doctor visit is on Wednesday. I made it through the weekend with no antibiotics and everything looks good to me. I have lots of pix that you don't get to see :-) but they show the improvement day to day, which is way better than the alternative.

The weather was lovely on Saturday so we got in a hike. We only went up about 1/3 of the way and took it very slowly, but it was great to be back on the trail!

And now a plug for insurance: thank heaven. Just looked at some of the claims and the first surgery (2.5 hours, 1 night in hospital, not including doctors) was billed at $78k. Yes, you read that right. The negotiated price is $14k (interesting, isn't it?). Our portion will be a fraction of that.

Thanks to the Affordable Care Act, full reconstruction is covered on both sides (matched set).

If you don't have insurance, now's the time. Because you never know.

1 comment:

  1. Happy to see the dog looking perky. But you know there is a lot of research about the benefits pets can bring to the healing process. Glad your back on the every day is an improvement track. DD
